We Are All Jesus… No, Seriously

***DISCLAIMER*** this article is not “Christian,” and it may be triggering for some. Reader discretion is advised. It doesn’t matter how clearly I share what I’m about to share, there’s a good chance you won’t believe it. Actually, there’s a good chance you’ll even reject it, curse it, judge it and label it “blasphemy.” You…

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Nurture the Roots: The First Lesson Mother Ayahuasca Taught Me

I received several life-changing insights and messages from Mother Ayahuasca in the seven shamanic ayahuasca ceremonies I experienced in Pisaq, Peru. It was the first one that led to the greatest transformation in my life overall. If you’ve ever experienced ayahuasca, you’re familiar with the purging, including vomiting and sometimes diarrhea that comes along with…

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Alone Forever: How Mother Ayahuasca Helped Me Remember Who I Am

It was my second shamanic ayahuasca retreat. In a few hours I would experience my fifth ayahuasca ceremony in five months. “I’d like to have enough ayahuasca that I never have to drink ayahuasca again,” I said to Teddy, the organizer of the retreat. “Ok,” said Teddy. Teddy is the younger brother of my friend,…

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